Sunday, 20 March 2011

A to Z blogging challenge for April

Uh oh.

I signed up for this blogging challenge earlier in the year.

Now it's kicking off in 12 days time. Need some stimulus!

So, questions:
  1. What is it?
  2. What to blog about?
To answer 1), read Talli Roland's blog description here. You'll see I'm lucky number 117 out of (currently) 542 bloggers attempting the challenge. Leaving out Sundays, there are 26 days in April and 26 letters in the alphabet. So, you write a new blog every day, covering every letter of the alphabet from A to Z. And, you can read the updates of fellow bloggers to discover those you particularly like.

To answer 2), I'll be watching hard in April, looking for people inspiration to write about every day. That means, if you're out and about on the streets of London this Spring, beware. You may end up as the subject of one of my posts. So go on... be wild in April so I can have lots of exciting stimulus to comment on.

I'll track my progress with
  • Blog challenge status: Kick off in 12 days; 26 posts to go.
  • People watch status:  Slightly dubious but definitely up for the challenge. No prep done and no posts carefully pre-planned (probably would have been a good idea). So, I'm relying entirely on human nature to provide the inspiration. 

Until then....

Keep watching.

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